Bisphosphonates: BMD after initiation

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Bisphosphonates: BMD after initiation

There is no consensus on the optimal frequency of monitoring and preferred site to monitor (UpToDate – Guidelines for monitoring response to therapy)

  • Recommendations range from against monitoring (American College of Physicians) to every one to two years
  • Don’t routinely repeat DXA scans more often than once every two yearsChoosingWisely (American College of Rheumatology)

Bone density changes slowly and the magnitude of change over a shorter durations may be due to measurement error
Thus, bone density should be checked when the results influence clinical management or at the point of a significant expected change in bone mineral density.

Our expert opinion recommendation is to recheck BMD in:

  • 1-2 years on zoledronic acid
    • You could consider erring on the shorter range for certain high risk conditions, such as glucocorticoid use.
  • 2 years for all other bisphosphonates