Teriparatide/Abaloparatide: Worsening BMD

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Teriparatide/Abaloparatide: Worsening BMD

If the BMD is worsening (outside the margin of the least significant change), this should prompt a reevaluation of teriparatide/abaloparatide therapy.

Common causes to consider:

  • Medication nonadherence – teriparatide/abaloparatide requires daily subcutaneous injections
  • There is an unaddressed/unrecognized/untreated secondary cause of osteoporosis.
    • Obtain labs: CBC, CMP, alkaline phosphatase, Phosphorus, magnesium, Parathyroid hormone, Thyroid function test,  25-hydroxy vitamin D, 24-hour urine calcium and creatinine (off calcium supplements, diuretics), +/- testosterone
    • Perform a medication review and address culprit medications if possible
  • Consider evaluating for secondary causes of osteoporosis as guided by labs, history and physical exam:
    • For example, anemia and hyperproteinemia suggests multiple myeloma
    • a low vitamin D may suggest a malabsorption state caused by celiac disease
    • Consider additional evaluation

Consider alternative anabolic antiresorptive:

  • The patient may have a poor response to teriparatide or abaloparatide therapy and needs a stronger agent
  • Consider Romosozumab, although there is sparse data transitioning from a PTH analog.

Endocrinology consultation is needed for further guidance or if diagnostic uncertainty